About Us

Serampore is an old suburban town on West Bank of river Hooghly. It is a city with a very rich cultural heritage. Before British, Danish ruler ruled for 90 years. Serampore college is more than 200 years old educational institution founded by William Carey. First Bengali print started in Serampore. Presently it is densely populated town with a good communication by train,buses and ferry service with entire state and the country as well. Airport is 45 minutes drive from Serampore.

Dr. Saurabh Sanyal being the son of the soil decided to establish a state of art eye care facilities in the town to provide services to the common people. Accordingly Citizens’ Eye & Health Care was established on 1 St July, 2014. The house where it was established is already a known place for the people of the district Hooghly, because Dr Ranjit Sarkar,the most eminent Ophthalmologist of West Bengal had his eye clinic for more than 50 years in this building. Though it was owned and constructed by Dr. Ranjit Sarkar in mid 60’s but psychologically it was owned by Citizens of the district as a place for respect, faith and belief for good scientific health care.

Hence the name Citizens’ Eye & Health Care was decided for the establishment to commemorate the trust of local people. Now the building with total area of more than 6000 sq ft is purchased by Dr Saurabh Sanyal and solely utilised for mordern eye care services.